Just how much does poor management cost worldwide? $8.8 trillion a year

Next year, one in 10 in managers will be Gen Zers. How can companies prepare a new class of managers for success?
Pattanaphong Khuankaew/Getty Images

Why are companies prioritizing tech over human skills?

Oct 25, 2024
A new Deloitte surveys shows a disconnect: while human skills overwhelmingly scored as vital, one in three employees say they have limited or no human skills training at their place of work.

How Georgia is training workers to make EVs at Hyundai's massive Metaplant

Jun 12, 2024
The partnership between the state and the company, which includes tax incentives, could result in the production of 300,000 cars a year.

Lack of lifeguards keeps pools, beaches closed as summer approaches

Jun 1, 2022
The pandemic hindered the ability to train enough lifeguards to fill enough spots.
The pandemic has exacerbated a variety of elements that have led to a nationwide shortage of lifeguards. As summer begins, many pools and beaches around the country will remain closed.